Friday, May 24, 2013

The Power of a Card

Let's rewind time for just a moment to you as a child. 
Do you remember the joy and excitement that came when you received a card in the mail? Your little heart leaped with joy and you rushed over to your parents to find out what you may have received. Before you even opened the envelope you already knew a few things: 1. You are special to someone. 2. You are so special that person devoted the time to hand write a card, address the envelope and put the card in the mail to you. 3. You could not wait to find out who thought so much of you!We as adults love to think we have grown up and changed so much since that younger version of ourselves. However, the truth is, the little five year old who loves getting real mail is still very much alive in each and every one of us. It is for this reason, writing and sending cards should be on your list of regular occurring activities - for both professional and personal reasons.

Professional Logic:

Sending a hand written card sends a loud and clear message - you are thoughtful and a cut above the rest. Please allow me to share with you how much a simple card has helped me over the years, both in corporate America, interviewing for jobs and being a business owner. 

In Corporate America - I sent letters to my supervisors, educators and leaders. These cards thanked them for helping me during orientation, for being understanding when I had personal struggles which resulted in unexcused absences, and for their guidance and leadership. What did this do for me? It is a funny thing, when you thank people for an action - it tends to multiply!

In job interview - After an interview which, if I landed the job, would be accomplishing a major life goal, I sent a handwritten card to the gentleman who interviewed me thanking him for his assistance. I do not remember my exact wordage but I do know it was 100% from the heart. Long story short, life happened and I had fallen behind on my next step in acquiring the job. To say I was angry with myself is an understatement. One day I receive an e-mail from the gentleman who interviewed me. I was certain he was writing to tell me the typical 'Thanks for applying, but no thanks!' 'Good luck with your life!' 'Don't call me I'll call you!' Instead, he was writing to tell me how much the card meant to him and how it solidified what he already knew - I was just right for the position. 

A business owner - hand written cards have gotten me in the door when a friend could not. Cards have made people remember me who did not know if I had been worth remembering at a networking event. Cards help to establish the difference between me and my competitors - the fact is I do care! A Real Estate agent which I admire a great deal because she is a mover and a shaker on so many levels has received multiple referrals from me. Why? She took the time to write a card to me thanking me.

In your personal life:

Kids!Do you have friends with children? Perhaps your niece, nephew, God-son, God-daughter, cousin, etc????If you want to give an awesome gift to your friend, send a card to your friend's child (make sure to put your return address on it!). I send a card to my nephew which had a picture of chocolate chip cookies on the front of it. My sister in law called me to informed me he screamed with so much excitement when he opened it, you would have thought I sent him real cookies. What better gift to give a parent then the sound of their child cries of joy? As I mentioned, do you remember the joy that came with receiving a card as a child? Do you remember how awesome you thought that person was for sending you a card? You have the power to give that feeling to a child!

I had a dear friend who said getting a card in the mail was like finding a unexpected little presents in your mailbox. A colored envelope, especially in the shape of a card is usually the first mail item we open. More importantly, you know how at a funeral people say I wish I would have told them how much I really felt....   well, I no longer have to worry about saying that or feeling that way because I did say my peace in the form of a little card!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Today's Homework : Yourself

It may sounds a bit odd to hear as an adult - you have home work! Most of us thought that our studies ended once we walked across that stage - whether it was for our high school degree, Bachelor's, Master's or even your Doctorate. We cross that stage and think - Thank God! My days of studying are now over. I can cross that off the list! It is now one of things I NEVER have to worry about again. However, this is very far from the truth.

 There is a scene in "Shawshank Redemption" where Morgan Freeman states we have two choices:

This quote is incredibly true when it comes to personal development. You are simply progressing or digressing - one does not remain stagnant. If you are not making a conscious effort to better yourself, this means you are going to be surpassed by the individuals who are ready, willing and able to do the tasks which you are unwilling to do.

Think of all of the masterminds who came before us today. If you are blessed with the ability to read,then you have been given the gift of centuries upon centuries of knowledge at your finger tips. You simply need to establish the time to do so. After all, what is better than your own experience - other people's experience.

Now, I know what you're thinking. How am I suppose to do that? I don't even know what to read let alone when I'll find the time to read. I usually start by thinking of subjects which are of interest to me, or subjects which I know I am exceptionally weak in and would like to improve. Personally, I have always struggled with remembering things - which would explain why I tend to be weak in History. If you do not know where to start, my top 5 recommendations would be 
  1. The Traveler's Gift by Andy Andrews 
  2. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill 
  3. The Secret by Rhonda Byrne 
  4. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie 
  5. The Alchemist  by Paulo Coelho
Once you have a book, establish your homework time. Think about it- when you were in elementary school and high school you respected yourself enough to establish a specific time to devote to your studies (even if your parents forced you to). Some professionals state this is one of their tricks for success. They devote time each morning for personal growth.

Next, set a timer for 15 minutes - that is all! Once that timer goes off your homework is complete for the day. If you would like to do more, feel free, if not, go on to your next project. Imagine how many books and how much personal growth you would achieve with this one simple task.  The bigger point, is you are no longer digressing, you have joined the individuals who are progressing in life.